I Trenta ingloriosi? Riforme, crisi e frammentazione in Italia, Ungheria e Jugoslavia (1975-2005)

Research team

Prof. Marco Bresciani (project coordinator)

Prof. Stefano Bottoni

Dr. Alfredo Sasso


Marco Bresciani is Associate Professor at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Florence. He received his PhD in Contemporary History at the University of Pisa (2006), where he was a post-doc researcher from 2010 to 2014. He was also a fellow at the Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa), at the Remarque Institute (New York University), at the Centre de Recherches Politiques R. Aron (Ecole Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales), at the Center for Advanced Studies (Rijeka), at the University of Zagreb, at the University of Verona. His main research field was the political and intellectual of Italian and European antifascism and anti-totalitarianism. He has published several contributions on these topics, and among them a work on the antifascist revolutionary group of Giustizia e Libertà (Carocci, Roma 2017). Meanwhile, he has turned to the political and social history of fascism, nationalism and conservatism in interwar Europe, with a special focus on the post-Habsburg Upper Adriatic. He has recently published an edited volumes on Conservatives and Right Radicals in interwar Europe (Routledge, London 2021), then translated into Italian as Le destre in Europa. Conservatori e radicali tra le due guerre (Carocci, Roma 2021).


Stefano Bottoni is Associate Professor of history at the University of Florence. Between 2009 and 2019 he was research fellow at the Institute of History, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and Fellow at Imre Kertész Kolleg, University of Jena (2015). His main fields of interest include the political and social history of East-Central Europe under the socialist regimes, with a special focus on ethnic conflicts and nationality policies. His expertise also includes the state security apparatus of the Soviet Bloc and the most recent interest for neo-authoritarian and anti-liberal turn in postcommunist countries like Hungary and Poland. He has taken part in several international research projects: “Schleichwege”: Inoffizielle  Begegnungen und Kontakte sozialistischer Staatsbürger 1956 – 1989 (Volkswagen Stiftung, 2008), Physical Violence in State Socialism (Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, 2012-15), and COURAGE, an EU-funded Horizon2020 project aimed at mapping cultural dissent in communist Eastern Europe (2016-2019). His publications include Long Awaited West. Eastern Europe since 1944. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, October 2017), Stalin’s Legacy in Romania. The Hungarian Autonomous Region, 1952-1960. Langham: Lexington Books, Harvard Cold War Series Book Series, 2018), and Orbán. Un despota in Europa. Roma, Salerno Editrice, 2019.


Alfredo Sasso is a Post-doc Research Fellow at the at the Department of Political and Social Sciences in the University of Florence. He holds his PhD in Political and Social History from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2015). His research interests include political systems in (post-)Yugoslav area, history of late and post-socialism, nationalism and anti-nationalism studies, transnational history of antifascism. He was a research fellow at the Center for Advanced Studies (CAS-University of Rijeka), the Centre for Southeast European Studies (CSEES - University of Graz), the Open Society Archives (OSA - Central European University, Budapest) and at the Institute for History (IIS - University of Sarajevo). He has taken part in coordinating the international project What is Left? 110 years of socialism, communism and social democracy in Bosnia Herzegovina at the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Sarajevo (2019-20) and co-edited the related volume (FES, Sarajevo, 2020). He has co-authored (with Veiga, Forti, Villa, Prokopljevic, Moles) the collective volume Patriotas indignados: sobre la nuova ultraderecha en la Posguerra Fria (Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 2019). He is a collaborator of Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT, Trento) and of the Institute for the History of the Resistance and Contemporary Society (ISTORETO, Turin).


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